Course Sequence

    1. Flip the Script on Systemic Change in Education

    2. Instructor Introduction and Course Structure - 9 minutes

    3. Use the Thinkific Mobile App to access your course on the go

    4. Small Moments, Many Times: Tips for Carving Out Time for Mindfulness

    1. Module 1 Introduction - 9 minutes

    2. Single-Tasking as Crisis Response: Our Nervous Systems Are Built for Co-Regulation

    3. Practice: Mindfulness of Sensations in the Body - 9 minutes

    4. Practice: Mindfulness of Sound - 5 minutes

    5. Practice: Gentle Standing Mindful Movement -15 minutes

    6. Exercise: Raisin Experiment - 6 minutes

    7. Practice: Appreciative Body Scan (Lying Down) - 20 minutes

    8. Practice: Press Pause - 3 minutes

    9. Module 1 Wrap-Up and Daily Practice - 5 minutes

    1. Introduction to Module 2: Grounding and Resourcing in Moments of Distress - 11 minutes

    2. Practice: Standing Body Scan and Movement - 5/20 minutes

    3. Practice: Awareness of Breath - 9 minutes

    4. Practice: Seeing - 5 minutes

    5. Practice: Object Meditation - 5 minutes

    6. The Neurobiology of Threat - 12 minutes

    7. Practice: S.T.O.P. Overattending to Traumatic Stimuli

    8. Module 2 Wrap-Up: Welcoming Yourself Home

    9. Daily Practice following Module 2

    1. Intro to Module 3: Resourcing and Marinating in the Green Zone - 13 minutes

    2. Understanding Negativity Bias - 2 minutes

    3. Neuroplasticity - 2 minutes

    4. Practice: Grounding Your Feet and Mindful Walking - 5/15/20 minutes

    5. Exercise: Appreciative Inquiry

    6. Practice: Resourcing - 8 minutes

    7. Exercise: Awareness of Pleasant Events

    8. Practice: Loving Kindness for Ourselves - 10 minutes

    9. Module 3 Wrap Up

    10. Daily Practice Following Module 3

    1. Relating to Difficulty, Challenges, and Chronic Pain

    2. Practice: Awareness of Difficult Physical Sensations

    3. Practice: Mindful Movement for Chronic Back Pain

    4. Practice: SLOW

    5. Preparing for Self-Compassion Practice

    6. Practice: Soften, Soothe, Allow - 15 minutes

    7. Exercise: Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire for Educators

    8. Using Nonviolent Communication to Make Requests and Ask for What You Need

    9. Module 4 Wrap Up and Loving Kindness for Others

About this course

  • $195.00
  • 50 lessons
  • 15 Professional Learning Hours